

IAT has established a strategic partnership with the Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). At present, there is cooperation in a large number of work such as AMS experimental physics research. We have technical exchanges with Peking University and other colleges and universities, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Beijing Institute of Weights and Measures and other research institutes, as well as enterprises and institutions such as Inspur and the Shandong Gold Group.



Graduate students are an important force in scientific research and an important reserve of future scientific and technological talents, and the joint training of graduate students with Peking University and other colleges and universities has created an internationalized academic atmosphere and an environment for academic exchanges, and a number of stable platforms for academic exchanges, such as the ShanGao Lecture Hall, the Summer Science Camp, the Young Scholars' Forum and so on.



High-quality academic resources are an important foundation for the establishment of the AMS, and academic cooperation is a major advantage for the development of the AMS.

AMS is a large-scale international cooperation scientific device, the cooperation group consists of more than 600 scientists from more than 60 research institutes in 16 countries and regions, concentrating a group of world top scientists and excellent engineers in the fields of particle science, thermal science, materials and engineering, and the Institute of Advanced Studies has continuously promoted the international cooperation of the AMS experiments and established substantial cooperation relationships with CERN, MIT, University of Geneva and other internationally renowned academic institutions. It has established substantive cooperative relations with internationally renowned academic institutions such as CERN, MIT, and the University of Geneva, Switzerland.